Singing Guide: Hilltop Hoods

Singing Guide: Hilltop Hoods

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to rap like the Hilltop Hoods, you need to focus on three main things: breath control, lyrics flow and vocal resonance.

Rapping involves a lot of fast-paced words with small gaps in-between. As a result, rappers without good breath control will struggle to keep up.

The Hilltop Hoods are known for their impeccable breath control, which has allowed them to sustain the same intense rhythm throughout their lengthy verses.

To get better at this, you'll need to work on your breathing technique, strengthening your diaphragm, and practice honing your control by doing exercises like breathing and humming. Check out the Farinelli Breathing warm-up exercise video, which is a classic technique that can really help you gain better control of your breathing.

Lyrics flow determines the overall style and rhythm of your rap, and the Hilltop Hoods are masters at it. One significant focus should be on word pronunciation and vocalization, allowing your words to flow seamlessly from one to the next. You'll also need to work on your timing and develop an intuitive sense of when to speed up or slow down to match the beat.

To practice lyrics flow, try an exercise like the "Humming" warm-up video. You can also use the Pitch Training page to practice matching your rhythm to the beat.

Finally, the Hilltop Hoods have a unique voice that comes from their deep vocal resonances. To do this, you'll need to learn how to use your vocal cords correctly, allowing you to project your voice with greater power.

Some techniques that will help include opening up your mouth and throat while singing (as we explain in our article), focusing on good posture, and singing with vibrato or resonance. The Singing Carrots Vibrato video can also help you with those techniques.

Here are a few songs that showcase the Hilltop Hoods' unique style that you can use to practice:

  • 1955
  • Nosebleed Section
  • Cosby Sweater
  • The Return

By focusing on breath control, lyrics flow, and vocal resonance, you can work towards developing a unique sound just like the Hilltop Hoods.

To enhance your progress, Singing Carrots provides various resources and tools, including the breathing exercise video, Pitch Training exercises to practice your flow, and the Vibrato video to help with your resonance.

With consistency, practice and guidance, you can eventually build your voice and style, taking you one step closer to achieving the skill of the Hilltop Hoods.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.